6 thoughts on “Engagement Photos”

  1. Wow!! I absolutely LOVE your pics!! My favorites are the black and white one and the last one on her blog where Amy has that “lucky in love” look. How blessed you are to have gorgeous pics of your youthful beginning to pass on for generations!! Where in Provo were they taken? It looks familiar. . . .

  2. Haha, they were taken at the old state mental(?) hospital. Each of us had heard that this castle looking place was behind it so we did some exploring and found it!

  3. Ya, our friends Rhett (you remember him, right?) and Mer took their family pics there a couple of years ago. Will and I want to do a shoot there with the kids. We’ll just have to move back there, I guess! ;0) P.S. J ust to clarify, my favorite black and white one is the last one, the one right above Amy’s “lucky in love” shot on the grass with you. Those two are definitely winners! Little Will likes the sunset silhouette and both Nina and Grant said “Eeewww!” at the kissy-kissy ones, which interpreted means they thought they were sweet. Again, great photo shoot! Can’t wait to see what you do with them for the announcement/invitation! Love to you both! xoxo

  4. So have you decided on your fave, or at least the one/ones you are using for the invitations? They are all stupendous pictures, and you guys both look so good together!

    I did notice that you stole Josh’s blue shirt look, Steve. : ) You look quite handsome in it–you should wear it more often. : ) Josh and I went to the mental hospital place and took some pics there, too. But time of day was not the best when we were there, so most of the pics had way too much light, and we ended up using different ones. But all of yours are perfect!

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