Whatchy’all Want??

Thanks Liss for drawing names!

Now we just have to figure out how to get to know each other across the miles so we can shop for things of interest to our recipient. What if everyone fills out a short survey to guide us in the right direction?

For Example:
Favorite Color:_________
House decor color(s)/style (for the ladies, of course):______
Favorite type of music:___________
Favorite book genre/author:_____________
Favorite store (for the gift card givers):____________ Hobbies:_______________
Things you may collect (i.e. Marvel, Pirates of the Carribean, Star Wars stuff, cash (that one’s for you, J. . .I could hear saying it all the way over here ;):______)

Can anyone think of anything else that would guide us without giving away the gift? Does anyone want to create a short survey for us? Where would we post this info.? Or should we just hit the spouses up for wish-lists via phone/email? Just an idea. . .whatchy’all think?

4 thoughts on “Whatchy’all Want??”

  1. OOPS! Sorry for the typos/misconfiguration! I couldn’t figure out how to preview the post! I’m still learning. . . . :0)

  2. Does anyone else besides me have an amazon.com wish list? I have one that I add to whenever I think of a book/movie/CD, etc. that I want. So if Steve got me something from that, I might know it was something from that list, but wouldn’t know which of the dozens of things on there it was.

  3. I think what Laurie has got is a great starting point. But I also would like to point out that I am sure that some of us at least, including myself, won’t be upset to know what we’re getting ahead of time. Sometimes it is nice to get a specific thing that you are wanting, and I wouldn’t mind just giving my person specific suggestions. That can make it easier for the person getting the gift.

    I say we can all just email our person with the survey questions answered, and if that person wants more specific ideas, they can ask their person.

  4. I like your idea Josh. I created a list just the other day. Had no idea about that universal wish list option! Pretty cool!

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