
You know how you have a favorite color (blue), favorite book (LoTR), favorite food (pizza), favorite brand (adidas), favorite sport (basketball… no baseball… no basketball… AAAHHHHH!!!)… whatever. Well, one of my favorite punctuation marks is the ellipsis. I use it a lot… to much some would say. In fact, I use it so much, well… to quote a famous Spaniard:

“… I do not think it means what you think it means.”

And he’s probably correct. ;)

PS – Come on folks, an ellipsis laden email to the first one of you that can give me the first and last name of quoted Spaniard.

5 thoughts on “Ellipsis”

  1. Inigo Montoya for the win! Nice going Will. Your email is in the mail… LOL!

    To all you other chumps, I’m a little disappointed that you didn’t chime in sooner. This movie should be a staple in our family. I’m also a little disappointed nobody has mentioned the Monty Python reference as well.

    Actually, the kids watched the Princess Bride on the way home Saturday. It’s really enjoyable to just listen and not be able to watch (seeing how I was driving). The dialog is hilarious!

  2. I would have answered, had I but gone to the website. I only turned the computer on for work over the holiday. I know – that’s backwards. I missed the Monty Python reference, I’ll have to go back and re-read the post.

  3. C’mon, Liss!

    OLD MAN FROM SCENE 57/BRIDGEKEEPER: “What is your favorite color?”


    (SIR GALAHAD flies off bridge)

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