One week later

So we’re home. A day early. We were coaxed into leaving yesterday instead of today because of this huge meeting that’s supposed to take place. A big storm from the south is supposed to meet up with a big storm from the north right over I-80, our route home for 95% of the trip. So we decided to make the trek back yesterday instead of today which keeps us away from the majority of other travelers going home/back to school today and away from the blizzard that’s supposed to hit PA/OH/MI. We got back at 10 last night, not too bad a trip except for Becky, who was, you guessed it, nailed by that bug that hit the children a full week earlier. I won’t go into the gory details, but she woke up and didn’t feel good, and when it hit full on, let’s just say it was a good thing we were already prepared with a proper containment unit (brought but not used for the kids on the drive out) and we happened to be just approaching an available exit. Nuff said!

For the most part the kids are out of the woods. Ashlee felt really bad Friday morning, but she seemed fine by that evening. The both of them are just now starting to get their appetites back. It just seemed like they never wanted to eat anything the whole week.

And as for me, well, since Becky has come down with it one week later, I won’t say I got through clean until this time next week at the earliest.

PS – Did you remember to clap when you read the title in the actual post (old college game, actually it’s probably a BYU thing, most other places you’re most likely supposed to take a drink)

5 thoughts on “One week later”

  1. I didn’t clap but then again I had to reread the post to catch where you had said the title. Good luck not catching that bug this week…

  2. For those still having trouble, last paragraph before the PS.

    Funny though, because when I reread the post it took me awhile to find where I did it.


  3. For those of you who don’t know, when they say the title of a movie in the movie, you’re supposed to clap. I don’t remember where I heard this, I just remember doing it.

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