SNOW! In October!

Since none of you could possibly have been watching the game yesterday, I’ll try to paint you a picture with words. And with pictures.

Imagine it being cloudy and cold at the beginning of the game, but then the sun comes out, and you think things are going pretty well. Then it gets cloudy again, but, you know, it’s not too bad. Then it starts to rain, and it’s pretty cold, but still. And then the snow starts to come down. And it keeps coming and coming. Imagine a fourth quarter that looks something like this:


I haven’t watched the game yet, but the replay board was useless; you couldn’t see a thing on it. And you couldn’t see any lines on the field. It was pretty crazy. But at least we won!

One thought on “SNOW! In October!”

  1. Hooray for snow! Hooray for sitting in a blizzard and watching a game that we had won! I loves the snow! But not the cold. That could be a problem. Ah well. Rise all loyal cougars…

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