A respite

Apologies for the brief break. I’ve been slammed this week with homework (3 separate assignments plus a quiz all due earlier this evening) and Becky’s been slammed with two kids and a puppy (I think she’s busier than I am). So I’m much behind in posting. Anyway, I thought I’d throw out a couple of ideas I’ve come up with for the site.

First up, my next “project” as soon as school allows me is to integrate the look of our main page into second mesa. Same color scheme, same graphics, etc. Now, here’s the main idea I’ve been tossing around. I’ve been thinking on and off since I started messing with WordPress (the software that manages our blog) that I may move this over to the main page and just have our whole site be the blog. Now, some of you may be thinking, what about our individual sections? Well, I could handle this two ways. The first would be to make all our separate sections into categories. Although technically we wouldn’t have our own sections anymore, all someone would have to do is click the Becky & Jere category to get all the posts about Becky and me. Although this is great as posting is tons easier and searching for old posts is tons easier, it kind of takes away our own sections. After all, I think it’s better for large photo galleries that often get posted to be on their own page and not part of the blog in general.

Next idea, is to move second mesa over to the front page of the whole site, and keep our individual sections separate. As I sit here and think about it, I’m kind of leaning toward this idea. Besides, it’s been awhile since I posted any “announcements” on our main home page as they tend to get posted here first. I think the easiest way to do this is to just have the main page redirect to the blog. Actually, I think I just talked (or is it wrote) myself into the second idea.

Anyway, just thinking out loud.

In other news…

The house is done, and I told Pops I’d try and get the pictures up this week. So I’ll try to get the pictures up this week.

Look for another rendition of “The missing photos” soon. I think I may make this a category also.

And finally, thanks again to all of you who generously donated to our diabetes walk. We were overwhelmed with the amount of donations this time around and we really appreciate it. And yes, I’ve got pictures, they’ll go up soon.