Family History Question

So I was studying for a Church History Test and got distracted and stumbled across some info that led to a question. In 1851 John Freeman traveled with his family as part of the David Lewis Company to Salt Lake. Noticeably absent from the company list of members was William H Freeman. Some searching led to the discovery that he traveled with the Allen Taylor Company two years earlier at the age of 16. Some more searching led to finding that his future wife was a part of the Warren Foote company so we know that he didn’t travel with his family to pursue her. Which leads me to ask if anyone knows why he did travel apart from his family?

3 thoughts on “Family History Question”

  1. Does anyone else think that this sounds eerily similar to one of those, “If train 1 left the station at 4:30 going south at 88 mph and train 2 left an opposite station (100 miles away) at 4:52 going north at 3.1415 mph, which train is most likely to reach the other before the other even leaves the station?”

    But anyway, interesting find there Steve.

  2. Who knows? Maybe he had a different girlfried at the time (I hear that Eliza Ensign was a looker!). Maybe he was the advance party for the rest of the family to call dibs in the land grab. Maybe he was helping someone like Mary Casto, or the Hoyts. If you notice, the Cannon boys were the only Cannons to come in that party as well, so maybe that was pretty common for whatever reason. Maybe there just wasn’t room in the house anymore. Or maybe he was called/assigned to go with that company. Or maybe he didn’t want to wait for the train that was leaving the opposite station. Or maybe…..

  3. Just found out from a church history prof in my ward that it’s probable they were hired out to be teamsters and drivers

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