Rise & SHOUT!


17-10! BYU Wins! BYU Wins! Undefeated in Mountain West play two years straight! Josh, please tell me you were at this game. There’s nothing like winning with under a minute two years in a row (except for winning like fifty something to hardly anything and you only threw like 10 passes and racked up like 7,000 yards of rushing, that was a good game too). I so wished I lived in SLC right now (I may regret saying that later), just to rub it in. Good thing we’re in PA, and Nat has Dish, I was flipping through channels and was glad the game was on one of them.

Wait, I think I just heard the announcer at the stadium say something about revoking recommends for anyone who ran onto the field. Wait, there’s Josh… get out of there Josh, or at least cover your face so they can’t record you!!!

2 thoughts on “Rise & SHOUT!”

  1. Oh man the game was wizzer! It was so fun and intense. After that touchdown by Utah I was a little worried and even more worried when we were at a 4th and 18. Man, it was insane when they converted that, we all went crazy. I think my voice is going to take a bit to recover from this game. Man, when Harvey scored that touchdown it was loud in the stadium. Woo, lots of fun. Now I can’t wait for the basketball team to play UNC tonight. Hopefully we can give #1 a run for their money. Who know, we beat Louisville (#6) last night, can we do it again. If so, it would be a great weekend for BYU. Go Cougars!

  2. Oh. Snap. On the 4th and 18, I was replaying the 2000 game in my head, and then my dreams came true. A. Maz. Ing. It was a heck of a game.

    Bring on UNC!!!

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