Football woes

So when was the last time Michigan, BYU, and UNC all had the same record in football three weeks into the season? The sad thing is that UNC feels pretty good about where they are right now. Yeah, Chris’s mighty Panthers have one win so far also, but at least they have a winning record.

3 thoughts on “Football woes”

  1. Thanks for that ‘fabulous’ insight of which I was not aware. So it’s official, college football is over for me. OK, technically my Wolverines could still run the Big Eleven table and receive the wonderful reward of getting run all over the field by the Pac-10 runner-up (USC or Cal, whichever isn’t playing for the Mythical National Championship). And I guess BYU maybe could possibly still win the Mountain West and get to play 3rd or 4th Pac-10 in Las Vegas. OK, all is not lost I suppose. UNC is looking pretty good, maybe I’ll start going for them. Actually Justin, EMU (Eastern Michigan University, where I go to grad school) is also 1-2 so there you go. Anyone else want to jump on the bandwagons? I think I’ll go stare at my basketball shoes for awhile.

  2. Actually it’s 4th or 5th PAC-10 in the Las Vegas bowl.

    Go Diamondbacks!

    And the Phoenix Mercury won the WNBA championship (which I know you’re all excited about).

  3. Dude, they still have the WNBA? Thanks for the news, I had no idea. ;)

    And sorry, I know my roots are AZ and all, but as long as the Dodgers are around it’s GO BLUE! Diamondbacks are too new school, they aren’t in my blood, they are post Jere’s youth era. There is still no better sporting place in the world than Chavez Ravine!

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