4th of July

Check this out. Twice now I’ve gotten photos up pretty quickly. Here’s our set for our Independence Day activities.

4th of July

Our day included driving out to Kehoe Farm in Clinton, MI. It’s owned by one of Jere’s coworkers and her husband. We enjoyed good food, games, a performance by Gordo the Magician, and what Ashlee had been waiting for all week… pony rides! Ashlee got to ride 3 or 4 times I think, including the last ride of the day where I guess the pony got to run just a bit.

We didn’t go to any fireworks this year but that’s fine as we have three neighbors (across the street, down the street, and behind us) that seem to be competing more and more each year for who can put on the most spectacular display. Our neighbor down the street is usually the best, he’s been doing it the longest. They always host an all day barbecue at their house for the whole neighborhood capped off the the fireworks display after dusk. I think I decided we really don’t ever need to go anywhere as the fireworks on our own block were just as good and the parking is even better.

We also lit our small fireworks and played with sparklers and finger poppers. The kids had fun, got to stay up late, and I even zonked out before midnight. So, enjoy the pics.

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