It’s Freaking Freezing in Here Mr. Bigglesworth

So the kids are home from school for the 2nd straight day. It’s like really cold or something here. After an unusually warm December with only a tiny hint of snow, the start of February is starting to remind me of my Montana days. It’s 0º F right now at 10:30a. The high today is supposed to be around 15º, which will be the first time we’ve even been in double digits in 4 or 5 days. Yesterday when I left for work, it was -10º with -22º wind chill. I love it, when are you all coming to visit?

Anyway, schools are all closed because of the temperatures. Yesterday part of the problem was that half the busses wouldn’t even start in the morning. We’ve been pretty lucky as we’ve had no problems with either of the cars. I think I’m the only one in the family who doesn’t mind when it’s this cold though. Becky and Ashlee are ready to move today I think. Nick probably doesn’t mind the cold though since he’s just been hanging out with a friend playing both Lego Star Wars games.

2 thoughts on “It’s Freaking Freezing in Here Mr. Bigglesworth”

  1. Sorry its so cold there–I’m on my way to Phoenix tomorrow and it’s supposed to be 70 there. I hope it warms up a bit for you soon. You’ll wish it was cold when you come in May! Tell the kids there’s a box from Grandma on the way. Love you all.

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