Cat Burglar

We’ve all done it before, locked ourselves out of our vehicle/home. I remember when we first moved out here locking my keys in the trunk one day after work. Becky had to drive 35 minutes to come and save me. Well today it happened to Becky. She was loading Ashlee (to take her to preschool) and Frankie (to get his nails trimmed) in the car when she remembered she needed Frankie’s immunization records. She back in the house, grabbed the paperwork, and ran back out leaving her keys by the door.

Luckily our neighbor was home so she could call and leave me a message. While she was waiting for me, she managed to get one of the windows open but realized she probably wouldn’t be able to get in anyway. So she came up with the brilliant plan to let Ashlee do it. So she lifted Ashlee up, put her through the window, and in no time at all Ashlee had the front and the back doors open. She’s turning out to be pretty nifty to have around in those situations.

I asked Ashlee about it later after coming home from work and she just brushed it off like it was something she does everyday. I though it was pretty funny.