She’s Getting a Stitch…

… And I don’t mean cramps.

We’re sitting here a little after 5pm in yet another waiting room (the third in 24 hours) waiting for Becky to get a couple stitches in her eye. I don’t mean eyelid or eyebrow, I mean actual eye. As you may know, Becky had a little accident yesterday evening at the car wash. So ER, Emergency Ophthalmology, and now General Ophthalmology. The resident last night had mentioned he thought she’d be fine but he had not seen a cut on an eye as big as Becky’s. And the Ophthalmologist who is going to stitch her up in a few minutes mentioned something along the lines of “I thought I had seen everything…”

Not to worry though after all this doom and gloom. There is no orbital fracture, her retina was slightly bruised but fine otherwise, and her vision is totally normal. She’s pretty brave though as I can’t be with her while she’s getting sutured up. Someone has to keep the wild things at bay. I’ll try and post the prolog to this story later tonight or tomorrow.

*** UPDATE ***
If you haven’t read it yet, the prolog to this story was posted 18 AUG 2006.

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