32 Flavors

Why 32 flavors? Because it’s one more than 31, and that means that there are a couple of extra things that have been added lately.

First up is Steve’s section. For those of you who haven’t heard, Stephen wanted a place where he could tell his friends to visit so they could read up on his happenings and such while he’s down South. So I created a section for him called Song of the South. Even though it still says posted by “Stephen”, I’m the one usually posting in his name. I’m basically putting up all his mission emails there and anything else he’d like me to post. Also, we need a tag line to go under the title. So all you creative types out there send me your submissions so all of us (or Stephen) can pick the best one. A link to Stephen’s blog can be found in the Sun Eagle section to the right. Oh yeah, Matt, you might want to create an account for his section as you’ll most likely be the one posting his pictures.

Second up is Matthew, who (if you read this morning’s post), has succumbed to peer pressure and joined the horde of folks, and his friends, over at MySpace. A link to his his space over at MySpace can also be found to the right under the Sun Eagle section. Make sure to check his blog section over there from time to time to catch up on his recent activities. Oh, and Matt, be sure to post here when you’ve added new content on your space so we can go check it out.

Let’s see, what else… Oh, some of you may have also noticed that second mesa is now the default home page for Sun Eagle Clan. That means typing “suneagleclan.com” into a browser’s address bar will take you straight to our blog (second mesa). If you wanted to see the old home page (which hasn’t been updated since I fired up second mesa) you have to type in “suneagleclan.com/oldindex.html“. If you are not automatically taken to second mesa when you first try it, you may need to hit your browser’s refresh button a few times for it to kick in. Oh, and Matt, could you set up the eMac so it’s home page is second mesa so Mom is sure to see it whenever she gets online (if it’s not already). Either that or set a nice second mesa button in the bookmark bar.

Finally, I’ve tripled the amount of space we have on our server for an extremely good price. Suffice it to say that we’ve got tons of space for all the pictures and videos you will all be posting soon. Remember, I think we settled on 10 bucks a year for those of you not at the homestead in CV. I don’t know who has paid and who hasn’t, but if you know you haven’t for this year feel free to send the $ our way. Also, for all the new spouses (and not as new spouses who don’t have an account yet), you can get a suneagleclan.com email account whenever you’d like. All I’d need is an email with a username and password to set it up for you. And since I can’t seem to finish a paragraph without a side note to Matt, uh Matt, could you please say “Happy Birthday!” to Cass from those in MI?

PS – does Melissa finally have internet access at her new diggs? And Matt, oh forget it…

4 thoughts on “32 Flavors”

  1. Hey all those computer geniuses out there – we don’t have internet at the house because we want Wi-Fi (we’ve been stealing it from the neighbors with Mic’s computer – mine is slowly dying and randomly chooses which program to actually run – but that’s another story) and everywhere we can think of to go, we are given an estimate of at $150+ to get started and then $50+ a month for service. We actually can’t find very many Wi-Fi providers here in SLC (which I find hard to believe), but I’m sure we’re looking in the wrong places. So to make a long story short (too late!) since the computer is already Wi-Fi accessible, what do we actually need from an ISP in order to access the internet? And geographical differences aside, how much should we expect to pay for Wi-Fi? I’m pretty sure we don’t need all this extra equipment every vendor is trying to sell us. Any info would be greatly appreciated!! On another note, we’re almost all unpacked and we’ll let you Provoans know about the party ASAP. Thanks and love to all!

  2. All you need for wireless internet is a wireless router ($25-$50), and of course internet access of some sort from an ISP. You can share your dial-up connected wirelessly even. But for “high-speed”, as in faster than dial-up, you’ve got two choices, your cable company (cable obvisouly), or your telephone company (usually some form of DSL and usually requires a land line). If neither of you have a telephone land line, then cable is your only option. And if you neither have a land line nor cable to your house, then you’re pretty much out (unless you want to pay more $$ through your cell phone or a satellite provider). Cable or DSL should provide you with a cable/DSL modem (which you shouldn’t have to pay for) as well as waiving the “setup” fee. So you should only have to pay for your wireless router, and then anywhere from $20-$30 per month for your high speed internet access.

    If you need more information or if I just made things more complex, let me know. Setup is not too hard and you could probably set things up yourself and give me a call if you ran into any problems.

  3. I knew we were being snowed by everyone and their dog!!! Thanks for the info! I’ll talk to Mic and we’ll probably give you a call at some point and see if you can explain it so she’ll understand it. Let’s just say when it comes to technology, I’m in charge. We are a landline free house, but do have digital cable. I’ll do some more research on Qwest and Comcast’s websites with this new info. Thanks again!!!

  4. If all you have coming in to your house is digital cable, then your cable company (lucky for if you actually have a choice) would be the easiest route.

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