The Plunge

Jacob and Elsie are big fans of the Nasty Nasty Nasty Plunge, and last night, Milayna started doing it, too.

But I was thinking, when did this originate? Who came up with it? And I seem to remember that we used to do it at the river? Which of you older kids remember the details?

3 thoughts on “The Plunge”

  1. We actually used to call it taking the “Nasty Nasty Nasty Nasty Punch” but it was based on old Nestea commercials encouraging one to take the Nestea Plunge. I couldn’t find the exact jingle that I remember, but there are several commercials on YouTube that will give you an idea of what’s going on.

  2. Into the river was fine. Into a pool standing on the deck is fine. I do not suggest doing this off a diving board. If you hit pretty much parallel, it hurts, and knocks the wind out of you. Remembered from experience… several times!

    Doing the plunge on Mom & Dad’s bed when they were gone was the best.

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