For The Record

Just to clear up a little shenanigans that seem to be going on on a certain, not to be named social network… The Lawrence Welk Show is not my favorite show, nor is it currently, nor has ever been, on my small list of shows I actually like.

I will say though that I love telling the kids that it’s Becky’s favorite show (no worries, she does the same to me, not just to our children, but apparently on that social network as well). I do leave it on on purpose from time to time just to see how quickly it takes for her to come into the living room.

Now that we’ve got that straightened out, let’s get back to sports [Josh]!

2 thoughts on “For The Record”

  1. It’s not my fault. It was on every time we went to visit Aunt Betty, and there was this awesome skeleton dance one time, so I was just hoping that one part would be on again. But that’s the only time I’ve watched on purpose, honest.

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