Um, yeah…so we had a baby…

She’s here. Born on a Saturday, like all our other kids. Born on a football rivalry game day where the good guys lose, like her brother Elijah. (Though technically, since we live in the future, they didn’t actually lose until the next day. It was tied at half when we stopped watching.) 6 lbs. 7 oz. 19 inches. Final verdict on the name is Coralie Xiuqin. Still not EXACTLY sure where “Coralie” came from (the girls have been vague on the actual source), but Xiuqin was Grandma Judy’s given name. (“Judy” wasn’t all the rage in the 20’s in Chinese baby name circles as it is now–or isn’t.)

If you want to see pictures, look at Chris and Leah’s pictures of Oliver. She kind of looks like that. But different. And she’s a girl.

Laurie has posted some pics on the facebook.

She posted stuff on her blog too.

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