So, this one time I met President Uchtdorf

So this last Saturday, the Native section was asked to perform at the banquet that American Indian Services was having, and we were like “sure, anything for the people who give us scholarship money”, plus we were excited because we had heard some rumors as to some big wigs who would be there.  Anyways, there we were, chilling in our dressing room (which was just a random meeting room in the hotel), when who should poke his head in but President Uchtdorf!  He had seen us getting all our props ready and he just wanted to say hello and tell us how excited he was to see us perform that night.  So, he talked to us all, told us we were cute, and then he left.  While we were all slightly still in shock at having just been called cute and shaken hands with President Uchtdorf, he came back with his wife to introduce her to us.  So yeah, that was cool.

Then, while we were mingling among the people as they were eating dinner (which was kinda awkward), someone decided it was picture taking time.  They rounded up President Uchtdorf, Elder Ballard, and the governor and took a few pictures (at first we thought they were going to bring Elder Andersen over, but then it was the governor instead).  Then they found Dale Tingey (you know, dad’s mission president, the mind behind Lamanite Generation, and the head of American Indian Services for forever), and he joined our picture as well.

President Uchtdorf, Governor Herbert, and Elder Ballard
President Uchtdorf, Governor Herbert, and Elder Ballard
Dale Tingey, our director Janielle, President Uchtdorf, Governor Herbert, and Elder Ballard
Dale Tingey, our director Janielle, President Uchtdorf, Governor Herbert, and Elder Ballard

The best part was that after about five minutes of all the people taking pictures of us, President Uchtdorf was just like “okaaaay” which I interpreted as “enough with the pictures already”.  Of course, President Uchtdorf would never say that, but I was picking up what he was putting down, and it was exactly how I felt.