
Lots of pictures lately. Here’s my next effort in trying to catch up. This is Ashlee’s dance recital that she performed last year in June. She’s planning on picking up ballet again this fall and she’s pretty excited. When asked why ballet instead of soccer this fall, she replied, “Because I have a lot of leotards that I haven’t used in a long time!”

Dance Recital

And even though I usually post these on Picasa Web Albums, I really love Flickr. I tend to post pictures there more often than I do on Picasa. Here is Becky’s & mine photostream. In order to see all the pictures on our photostream (as in the pictures of family and stuff), join Flickr and add us as a contact. Personal pictures we’ve only made viewable to family and friends.


For a limited time only… Ashlee has been ‘published’ of a sort. She made a video and submitted it to (the beanie baby website). It’s titled binie babby partty, By: ashlee. If you head to their main page, it will show up in the main window at the top of the middle section. You may get a couple of flash adds and stuff. Just click ‘skip’ until you get to the ‘featured video playlist’. Her’s is usually the second one listed. She was so excited today when she went to the website and saw her video was up. She’ll yelled, “My party is on!”

Diabetes walk

I uploaded these photos awhile ago, but I’m just now getting to posting them. August is just nasty at work every year, even for those of us that aren’t going out to cover football two-a-days. Anyway, these are all pictures from our diabetes walk that we did last September.

JDRF 2007

Wow, that almost took a full year to get posted! I know you’re all waiting for those Halloween pictures from last year. They’ll be here soon (hopefully before this year’s Halloween).

The new Christmas list

So, we did the list this year and everyone got Josh.

No really, the present limit is $20. Except for Chris.

So, this years results (In “Person 1 got – Person 2” format). And the winners are…

Jere – Justin

Becky – Leah

Melissa – Will

Justin – Chris

Laurie – Stephen

Will – Andrea

Trish – Melissa

Catherine – Trish

Chris – Josh

Leah – Laurie

Josh – Becky

Andrea – Jere

Stephen – Catherine

Thanks for playing folks!

Please send all presents and/or money to:

161 Silver Bugle Dr.

Camp Verde, AZ 86322

I’m Josh Freeman and I approve this message.