
So Melissa was able to get comp tickets for Comic-Con because she is in the media. . I got to go because I was flying in. I have never seen so many interesting people. I visited the Marvel booth, you’re welcome Jere and Matt, as well as the LEGO booth. I took some pictures but I don’t have the correct adapter to transfer them to my computer so those are coming. All in all, it was a neat experience. One I probably won’t do again.

Calling All Spidey Fans-

This is the moment you’ve been waiting for!
Casting for several roles for the new Broadway musical Spider-Man (featuring music by Bono and The Edge) will take place in NYC on July 28. So all you boys and girls who can sing and have ever wanted to get paid for playing Spidey or Mary Jane, now’s your chance! Just be prepared to sing 16 bars or a pop/rock song that shows your singing range.
Seriously, I’m not making this up. Auditions will be held from 10a-5p at The Knitting Factory, 74 Leonard Street, NYC, NY.
Break a leg Jere!

Sword Seminar

I’m trying to get caught up a little with posting pictures and stuff. So, I know these are a little bit older, but they were next ones up. Nick attended a sword seminar for karate way back last fall. Those of you who know me well enough will know that I think it’s pretty cool that the little guy is learning some weapons, especially swords. Dual wield even. Swords FTW!

Sword Seminar