10 year low?

Some of you may have read about Becky and Sarah’s little contest for some tasty Australian meat pies. Well, even though I’m not officially part of that contest, I think I’m beating both of them in the weight loss category, and I’m prepared for both of them to each buy me some meat pies.

So what am I getting at? Well, I officially tipped the scales at 189.4 this morning. Which marks the first time I’ve been below 190 in something like ten or so years. For the record, I’ve always said I’d like to get back down to 185 (which is what I think I weighed when Becky and I were married), but I’ve never been in a real rush to get there.

And what is my secret. Well, I contribute it to my ‘special’ diet. Cold cereal, pizza, ice cream, and a whole lot of sugary snacks! Oh, and don’t forget the handfuls of fruit loops with some swigs of milk (skim at least) right before going to bed. I think that’s really important.

Message to Becky and Sarah…


A perfect evening

So, I think that Spring is finally here… hopefully. I got back this evening, it was a perfect 72º, partly cloudy but plenty of sun, a slight cool breeze in air. Everyone else was at karate, so I jumped on my bike and went for a good half hour, maybe 45 minute ride at this nice park trail close to our house. Got back, pulled out a Propel, and chilled on the porch while I cooled off a little. It was perfect out.

There was this dad riding a bike down our street with a trailer attached to the back. I couldn’t see inside but just assumed someone was in there. I looked up and noticed him as he was turning the corner shouting, “WooHoo!” All the while ringing one of those bicycle bells. I watched him until he was out of sight and started laughing out loud. I guess I wasn’t the only one enjoying he evening with a little bike ride.

Spring is sweet. I wish it would last longer than it does around here. In the mean time, it’s nice to be able to enjoy it a little.