US highest elevation map

I love Google Maps. It’s still just a tad better in my opinion than the new Yahoo! Maps BETA. Both of which are tons better than the now antiquated MapQuest. Anyhow, there are a ton of things users can do with Google Maps. Here’s a cool example I’ve run across. It’s a map showing the highest point in each state in the US:

United States Map – Highest Elevation Points – GEOLOGY.COM

Cribsakes 2006

In case you haven’t visited Cribsakes yet in the new year, Becky’s site is almost 100% up. You can now see close ups of each announcement, and we’re finally set up to take orders online. Go check things out if you get a chance. And please refer any friends or family who might be interested.

Finally, she’s completed a couple of new designs for 2006. I soon as I can get to work on incorporating them into the website, then they’ll be up. Hopefully in the next few days.


Sorry for the brief outage today. I was updating some of the files that run our blog and though it was all working fine when I checked just after upgrading, when I visited tonight all that would come up was a blank page. Solution… I had to roll back to the backups I made just prior to updating. If I get a chance tomorrow I’ll take another crack at the upgrade. If not, at least everything is working fine now.