From: Elder Joshua Freeman Subject: Okay, so I lied Date: 26 July 2004 10:17:44 AM EDT ÁHola! Basically, I'm too lazy and don't have a lot of time, so I'm not really going to add a lot more details from last week. Sorry. I'll let you read about it in my journal when I get home if you want. Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad!! In any case, this past week was a pretty productive one, and it included changes. The only one to go from Pilar was Elder Garaguso, he went to Coronel Oviedo. And in his place came Elder Ryan, who Elder Urling trained in Ytoror— when I left. So he's been able to give me an update on how everyone's doing over there, which is nice. But yeah, on to the week. Last Monday night, we went and got fallar-ed a lot and tried talking to a bunch of people that weren't home. We did talk with Basilio y Cristina, and then went and had a little Noche de Hogar with the Hna. Nelly and her family. That went pretty well. On Tuesday morning, we had our district meeting like normal. Then we went out to talk to CŽsar, and we mostly answered questions with him. It's kinda tough, because he gets distracted really easily. Anyway, after that, we went and had lunch with the Hna. Guicela's family anyway. In the afternoon, we went out and got fallar-ed and then went and read with Adriana. After that, we went and met some new people and taught a charla 1. Then we went and talked to a 15 year-old kid that has the first charla and had already read up to 1 Ne. 17 in two weeks. We mostly just answered questions. Then we dropped by a few more peoples' houses without any results, and then went and talked with the Flia. Argźello. Then we came home. On Wednesday morning, we went and talked to a couple members and made a few contactos before lunch with the Acostas. In the afternoon, we called Elder Christensen- oh wait, let me explain, he used to be the secretary (for the past 10 months por all’), but last week at Zone Conference, Elder Kennington got special changed out of San Ignacio and Elder Christensen came to take his place and be the Zone Leader of the new Zona 10- to find out about the changes. Also, on a related note, Elder Adcox is the new Asistente. That's cool, since I was with him when he was junior companion, then senior companion, and he was my district leader, and then my zone leader, and now my Asistente. How about that. Now both Asistentes are from Arizona (the other one, Elder Vester, is from Dewey). Anyway, in the afternoon, we went and taught Basilio y Cristina's 12 year-old neighbor/friend the 2» charla, or the first part anyway. He's already come to church 3 times, and his mom asked us if he could be baptized. And he likes it. So that's good. After that, we went with the Hna. Alejandra and went and talked to Emma and Selso, and that went okay. They're just a little slower on the understanding, partly because of the language. In any case, after that, we visited some members and found an inactive lady and her daughters, her name's Emilce. Then we went and read with Adriana and her family to finish the night. On Thursday morning, we went to the terminal to see off Elder Garaguso and pick up Elder Gilbert, and then we went back home and studied. When we went out working, we went and talked to a couple of inactives on our side, and then on their side, and then went and had lunch with Pte. Amarilla (the branch president of rama 1) and his wife. In the afternoon, we got fallar-ed by a few people, and talked to a couple other people that have the 1» charla. Then we went and read with Adriana before going to pick up the Hna. Silva's kids/grandkids to take them to the Noche de Rama. That was pretty fun. After that, we went and got some hamburgers, and then waited in our house until about 10:45, when we went and met the Elder Ryan in the terminal. Then we came home and went right to bed. On Friday, we went and got fallar-ed and then made some contacts and taught a pretty good charla 1. Then we went and had a good talk with Adriana about why it's important to be baptized. She actually seemed to understand it a lot better. In the afternoon, we went and finished teaching the charla 2 to Nelson with the Flia. Albarenga. Then we went and visited an inactive guy, and taught another 1» charla. Then we went to Estela's to have a Noche de Hogar. Cristina was there, which was kinda surprising, since she had been out in the campo visiting relatives for the past three weeks. So we read a little with her from the Libro de Morm—n before we started. The Noche de Hogar was pretty fun. After that, we went and taught another charla 1 to a lady and her brother-in-law. He told us that when Christ organized the church, he never meant for it to just be 12 Apostles, but that that was just because the church was so small at the time. It was an interesting way to end the night. On Saturday morning, we went and got the mail, and Mom, I might have got the card, since they told me that I had a package from MultiCourier, which is odd, since they supposedly didn't get any more packages from them since the end of last month. Sometimes the office is slow. But I guess it doesn't matter now. But when you send the new one, just activate it first and then send it normal mail. Which reminds me, did you guys at home ever get any information from the SkyBox company that I told you about about a month ago, the one that the mission is changing to? Because you should have by now. But anyway, after that, we went to Carolina's, and she's now another case of "I can't listen to you more because my family doesn't like it". So that's always a shame. After that, we visited some members, one of them the inactive lady we met on Wednesday, and then came home and had lunch. After that, we went and took Dany with us to teach Emma and Selso charla 2. That actually went pretty well. Then we went and did some verifications and a charla 1. Then we went and visited Carlos the inactive guy. Then we went to the capilla for a Priesthood Meeting that the 1Ľ counselor of the mission spoke at. He also spoke in church on Sunday, after Elder Webb and I did. Church was pretty normal. Afterwards, Pte. Villalba (the 1Ľ counselor in the mission presidency) took us home in his fancy Mercedes-Benz. Then we went out and ate with the Flia. Arce, and met some new people out there, and taught a charla 1. THen we did a verification from Friday, and they had read but not prayed. So we addressed that situation. They're the Flia. Vega. Then we went to talk to a guy we met on Friday that has a really big garden and cows and chickens and flowers and all sorts of stuff. But he was drunk, or getting there at least, so we didn't do much with him. Then we went and talked to the 15 year-old that read a lot in the Libro de Morm—n, and he said that he won't have time for a while because of a bunch of projects for school, and he gave us back the Book of Mormon because he didn't want to lose it, but he did ask us if he could write a note in the front telling other people to read it. So we said of course. Anyway, after that, we went and visited the Hna. Asunci—n and then came home. She's having surgery today, hopefully. So, that's it. I'm here another change, which is good. I heard about Elder Maxwell passing away, that's sad. But not like, you know, real sad. I think you know what I mean. I'm interested to see who they'll call next. Anyway, thanks everybody for everything. I appreciate you all. I Love You All!!! Love, Josh