From: Elder Joshua Freeman Subject: It was weird Date: 26 April 2004 12:15:31 PM EDT ÁHola! Oddly enough, this past weekend was kinda cold. Of course, any time it drops below 70¡ here it's cold. But still. It was a nice change. Hopefully, it's the start of a new trend, but I'm not sure because today it's kinda warmer again. On a sadder note, last week I sent in my money to the office to get my package, but those darn oficinistas didn't send it to me. What a rip off. So I suppose I'll have to wait until next week. But anyway, this week went pretty well, and I think we had more charlas than any other week since we got here, so that's good. Plus a couple of baptisms that will be coming up in a few weeks. On Monday night, we had a few couple citas fallar us, and improvised a little looking for other people that we were looking for. Yeah. And we visited the Laneris too. On Tuesday morning, we had all of our meetings like normal. Then we went by Teresa's, a lady we taught a charla 1 to I think the week before last. But she wasn't home anyway. So then we went out to Higuinio's (he's the guy we taught a charla 1 to last Tuesday (and where we saw the huge grasshopper at his house) and we taught him charla 2, and he accepted the baptismal invitation. Now he just needs to start coming to church. After that, we went to another lady we met a long time ago, and she was finally home with her husband, so we taught them a charla 1, and it went pretty well. After that, we went to F‡tima's and started to teach her charla 3, and it was the first time in forever that we've been able to talk to her. She wasn't quite comprehending everything, so we didn't teach the whole charla. After that, we went to Joni's, and he told us that he doesn't think the Libro de Morm—n is true, but he thinks he can learn a lot from it. But he wants more time to study it more. So, yeah. After that, we went to Nimia and Noelia's and the Hna. Romero went with s again, and we taught charla 2 and Nimia accepted baptism, but Noelia still isn't sure. So we'll keep working with them. On Wednesday morning, we went and talked to Jorge again, and he was a little warmer and opener this time, so that was good. We also did talk with Teresa, and she had a couple questions from her reading, so we answered those. Then we went to Carlos' and he still hadn't prayed, so we recommitted him to do that. And then we went to the Ram’rez's house for lunch. That was pretty good, like always. In the afternoon, we got fallar-ed a few times and made some new contacts, and visited some members before it was time to go to Consejo de Rama. On Thursday morning, we went out and read a little from the LdeM with Higuinio. Then we went to Hna. Irene's, and it turns out it was her son's birthday, and she wanted us to come on Saturday, because they were going to have a party and she wanted us to take pictures, After their house, we came home and had lunch. For the afternoon, we had 4 charla 1s planned (like, we had set citas up) and not a single one of them happened. Also, none of the other people we looked for in our newfound free time were there either. It was a long afternoon. We finished though, going to AndrŽs' and talking with him and his wife. The Laneris came too, which was good, and invited them to a Noche de Hogar next week (today). On Friday morning, we went out looking for some references we had gotten and also talked to a lady that Elders Workman and Fern‡ndez had taught a charla 1 to last week. Then we went to Hna. Romero's and she had some grass that needed cutting, so we did it for her. It was fun. Then we came home and ate. In the afternoon, we did something interesting. It's called an Ataque (attack) and what it was is all our district came to Elder Allred and Gardner's area and we split it up and we went out and just tried to teach as many charla 1s as we could. I went with Elder Blankenfeld, who got here last change and still doesn't speak very well at all. But that doesn't keep him from trying, which is good. We taught 2 charla 1s and met some other people, but nothing really spectacular. Then we met up with the rest, and Elder Workman and I went and talked to Zulma, who we haven't talked to in weeks. We want to teach her and her husband charla 1 again, but he's almost not ever home. After that, we went to Noche de Rama, and there weren't as many people there because it was cold, but we still had fun. On Saturday, we went out looking for some contacts, and we met a reference from the other Elders. His name's Oliver and he's 14. His dad plays piano at Yacht Club, and his little brother loves Spider-Man (even though he can only watch it in English, which he doesn't speak). How about that? The charla went really well too. After that we went and talked to Carlos a little before coming home for lunch. In the afternoon, we went to Hna. Irene's, but she wasn't there, but the we saw her on the road and she said to come by Sunday. After that, we went and taught the first part of charla 3 to Nimia y Noelia. It went pretty well but we didn't have time to finish it. After that we went and taught a charla 1 to another reference from the other Elders. It was interesting. Then we went and got fallar-ed, went and read a little with F‡tima y Sixto, and then finished up the night visiting Ediberto y Sandra. Their 2-year old son will finally play with us, he's pretty funny. Yeah. On Sunday, we had a lot of people ni church again, and a few investigators. So that was good. We had lunch with the Sanabrias like normal, then came home and studied a little. Then we went by Hna. Irene's and took some pictures, then had a meeting at the church about Home Teaching and finding out who on the ward list still lives here. Then we went and got fallar-ed a few times, but did talk to AndrŽs, who basically told us that the church has changed him a lot already, and he wants to get baptized. Basically that's what he said. So that was cool. And we talked to Teresa a little. And that's all. This morning, we were all (the Zone) going to go to Centro but then we couldn't, so instead we went up to the Cerro de LambarŽ which is in our area and has a big monument thing at the top but nothing explaining why. Which is what I really wanted to know. But yeah. That's it here. Changes is this week, but I don't think we'll get one. I hope not. Oh, Mom, to send me a phone card, you would have to send it normal mail. But I don't know if it would get her in time (Mother's Day is the 9th, right?). But yeah. I think that's it. So, that's it for this week, we'll see you later then. I Love You Guys!! Love, Josh